ECO Survey

Organizational Optimization through the Most Valuable Resource - Employees. A unique survey to gather data from all organizational teams, saving significant resources, and building a data-driven quarterly work plan in times of instability.

What do we bring to the table?

For great results, you need to follow the right path

Step by Step

step 01.

Initial Assessment – Focusing on the organization’s challenges and strengths

step 02.

Targeted Survey Deployment – 30 focused questions to collect data from all change agents – the human capital in the organization, in all its aspects

step 03.

Results Analysis and Focused Quarterly Plan – Developing a plan for implementing quick organizational efficiency actions and immediate improvement of the employee experience

And there’s more

Professional Materials

A boutique consulting firm established in 2010 by Aya Lahmi, psychologist and organizational consultant.

A boutique consulting firm established in 2010 by Aya Lahmi, psychologist and organizational consultant.

A boutique consulting firm established in 2010 by Aya Lahmi, psychologist and organizational consultant.

Their word is their bond

Client Testimonials


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